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American Hospital of Paris  

ƒ{ƒ^ƒ“@Gulf Crisis, confidential i‚Wj@ƒ{ƒ^ƒ“

‚W) visiting Al Kohbar, continued
As soon as we arrived at Al Kohbar, we visited the Ministry of Health. Two young Saudi officials greeted us. Our diplomats introduced us, new doctors to them, since they already had met each other. Then we reported to them that there was some delay in setting up the clinic here. (Nothing was done then, to tell the truth.) At this point the Saudi side took the priority in negotiation.
They apparently denounced the failure of the Japanese side. The atmosphere of the meeting became very somber. We somehow anticipated this, and prepared another offer. We suggested the exchange of medical technology between Saudi Arabia and Japan. The idea unexpectedly attracted the attention of the Saudi officials, and the mood became a little more friendly. However, the Saudi side was a tougher negotiator. gWe donft need any medical assistance, and we told you beforehand. If you still want to help us, we need medical infrastructure, especially ambulance and communication systems,h they told us, as though it was their predetermined right.
Afterwards, we inspected the building that the vanguard reserved in the suburbs. It was situated too far from the city area and too small to use as a clinic for the war.

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