Crisis, confidential iPj@
@Do you remember Gulf Crisis in 1990 followed by Gulf War in 1991?
It was the biggest world crisis since the post cold war era started.
What the Japanese government did at that time was greet it with
the cynicism and the silent treatment towards the international
community. A Japanese journalist, Ryuichi Tejima described it
this way: g Thirteen billion dollars were lost in the desert.h
At that time, I was a physician at Osaka National Hospital, and
was sent to Riyadh as the team leader of the Japanese Medical
Team. As you know, the failure of the Japanese government this
time provoked a controversy regarding whicih would be the best
personnel to be sent overseas. This led to the participation of
the Japanese Self Defense Forces ( JSDF ) in an international
crisis. Ifd like to offer some material for discussion to the
Japanese people who have to survive in an international society
by presenting episodes I experienced in Riyadh, and some of them
are confidential.
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